Rifle Range
At this time the Range may be used if you are an MCC Certified Range Safety Officer (meaning you have taken the Safety Officer Training Class) or you have an MCC Certified Range Safety Officer with you. If you are not a MCC Range Safety Officer or don’t know one, please contact one of the range officers and they will be happy to set up a time for you to shoot.
Al Urness 715-781-2517
Thomas Mathews 715-279-6285
Keith Michlig 715-495-3159
Mondovi Conservation Club, Inc.
Rifle Range Rules
The Mondovi Conservation Club, Inc. Board of Directors and Range Officers are directly responsible for the efficient operation and safety at the rifle range.
All Range Officers will have full charge of the range and will be responsible for the safety and discipline of range personnel, shooters and spectators at the rifle range. Range Officers shall also be responsible for seeing that everyone’s firearm is in safe working order, so as not to cause a hazard to oneself or others. It is each Range Officer’s duty to be completely familiar with the rules and regulations of the range. Range Officers will do their best to comply with all instructions issued by the Board of Directors and will render all possible cooperation to the Board.
1. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
2. Never load any firearm except on the firing line and if gun is pointed in a safe direction down range.
3. Guns must always be pointed in a safe direction downrange for unloading.
4. Never point or carry a firearm behind the firing line loaded or with the action closed.
5. Never pick up a firearm without positively ascertaining whether it is loaded.
6. Never lay a firearm down or in the rack without unloading it and leaving the action open.
7. Should it become necessary for any person to proceed from the firing line to the targets, all arms shall be first unloaded with muzzles pointed in a safe direction.
8. Absolutely no horseplay will be permitted on the range at any time, either by shooters or spectators.
9. Shooting glasses and some form of ear protection are strongly recommended for shooters as well as spectators.
10. Each individual shooter will be responsible for the cleanup on the range. Recommendations for repair or replacement should be forwarded to the range officers or Board of Directors.
11. Shooting benches are set up at 100 yards and at 50 yards. No shooting will be allowed beyond 100 yards. If shooting will be closer than 50 yards, shooter must move to the
target and must not bring the target out of the target area. Shooters will at all times practice safe gun handling procedures.
12. Rifle range shall only be used from 9:00 a.m. to sunset; no shooting will be allowed on the rifle range unless shooter is accompanied by a Range Officer. Violation of this rule is subject to prosecution for trespass on complaint of any person.
13. Anyone in violation of the range rules set up by the Mondovi Conservation Club, Inc. will be asked to leave the range immediately, whether finished shooting or not.
14. Neither alcoholic beverages nor intoxication is permitted on the range. The old adage “Firearms and Alcohol Don’t Mix” will be strictly followed.
15. The Board of Directors shall periodically conduct classes taught by a Certified Range Instructor to improve member qualifications as Range Officers and shooters.
16. Any adult member or guest of the Mondovi Conservation Club, Inc. may act as a Range Officer, subject to meeting qualifications established by the Board of Directors.
17. Discharging of a fully automatic firearm is prohibited .
18. Use of exploding targets is prohibited.
19. The Board of Directors reserves the right to amend and supplement these rules to further ensure safe shooting practices at all times as circumstances may require
All Range Officers will have full charge of the range and will be responsible for the safety and discipline of range personnel, shooters and spectators at the rifle range. Range Officers shall also be responsible for seeing that everyone’s firearm is in safe working order, so as not to cause a hazard to oneself or others. It is each Range Officer’s duty to be completely familiar with the rules and regulations of the range. Range Officers will do their best to comply with all instructions issued by the Board of Directors and will render all possible cooperation to the Board.
1. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
2. Never load any firearm except on the firing line and if gun is pointed in a safe direction down range.
3. Guns must always be pointed in a safe direction downrange for unloading.
4. Never point or carry a firearm behind the firing line loaded or with the action closed.
5. Never pick up a firearm without positively ascertaining whether it is loaded.
6. Never lay a firearm down or in the rack without unloading it and leaving the action open.
7. Should it become necessary for any person to proceed from the firing line to the targets, all arms shall be first unloaded with muzzles pointed in a safe direction.
8. Absolutely no horseplay will be permitted on the range at any time, either by shooters or spectators.
9. Shooting glasses and some form of ear protection are strongly recommended for shooters as well as spectators.
10. Each individual shooter will be responsible for the cleanup on the range. Recommendations for repair or replacement should be forwarded to the range officers or Board of Directors.
11. Shooting benches are set up at 100 yards and at 50 yards. No shooting will be allowed beyond 100 yards. If shooting will be closer than 50 yards, shooter must move to the
target and must not bring the target out of the target area. Shooters will at all times practice safe gun handling procedures.
12. Rifle range shall only be used from 9:00 a.m. to sunset; no shooting will be allowed on the rifle range unless shooter is accompanied by a Range Officer. Violation of this rule is subject to prosecution for trespass on complaint of any person.
13. Anyone in violation of the range rules set up by the Mondovi Conservation Club, Inc. will be asked to leave the range immediately, whether finished shooting or not.
14. Neither alcoholic beverages nor intoxication is permitted on the range. The old adage “Firearms and Alcohol Don’t Mix” will be strictly followed.
15. The Board of Directors shall periodically conduct classes taught by a Certified Range Instructor to improve member qualifications as Range Officers and shooters.
16. Any adult member or guest of the Mondovi Conservation Club, Inc. may act as a Range Officer, subject to meeting qualifications established by the Board of Directors.
17. Discharging of a fully automatic firearm is prohibited .
18. Use of exploding targets is prohibited.
19. The Board of Directors reserves the right to amend and supplement these rules to further ensure safe shooting practices at all times as circumstances may require